Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Time Prepositions and Expressions Worksheet - TEFL Global Resource

Time Prepositions and Expressions

I introduced a board game a couple of days ago which used the future tense to make plans.  For example - I am going to, I intend to.........  It also  incorporated some time expressions.

Here is another worksheet resource which you can download at Busy Teacher that includes time prepositions and time expressions.  I would suggest it is for a Pre Intermediate level of student.  It will also  perhaps be useful for Intermediate Student revision. 

Go to:-

Explore Central Park, New York City - TEFL Global Resources

TEFL Global Resources Reading Comprehension

Explore Central Park New York City with the interactive map at
Hover your mouse over the square icons and click on an area that interests you.

Go to and click on 'things to see'. Click on the drop down menu and research  Landscapes and Points of Interest and Fountains, Monuments and Sculptures or any other title that interest you.

Try the reading comprehension at TEFL Global Resources - Communicative Activities

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Audio and Aural TEFL Global Resources

Audio and Aural - TEFL Video and Game Resources 

by Charles Kelly.  2001

Listen and Repeat Videos

  • 69 Two-Syllable Words Accented on the First Syllable
  • 72 Two-Syllable Words Accented on the Second Syllable

Audio Games

Click on this link for further Audio Concentration Games

Monday, 20 August 2012

Navajo Sacred Hoop Dance - TEFL Global Resources

Navajo Sacred Hoop Dance - A Short Video and Commentary

Listen and watch this short extract from!/videos/player/grand-canyon-hoop-dance-zen-den

  • What is the dance ceremony called?
  • What is used in the dance?
  • When is the dance performed?
  • How long does the healing ceremony that the dance is part of last?
  • What do the hoops in the dance represent?
  • How does the dance make you feel?
  • Do you like the dance? Describe it in your own words.
  • What do you know about Navajo people?

TEFL Global Resources - Follow On Grammar Activities from Podcast

Remember the British Council Podcast - a couple of blogs previous. Here are some follow up Grammar Activities based on the future verb formations - 'going to' and 'intend to'.

A board game that students can play using the   'going to' and 'intend to' verb formations.  Time expressions are used in this game also.

If you are a teacher and have a class the following activities may be useful:-
Find someone who ' is going to'  meet specific criteria noted in the table format provided (students to add names)-a class mingle type of activity.

A role play dialogue class activity

Sunday, 19 August 2012

TEFL Global Resources - Enhancing Vocabulary Knowledge

TEFL Global Resources - Kitchen and Bedroom Vocabulary following from Podcast

I would advise any student to keep a Vocabulary Journal whatever their level.  Treat yourself to a nice notebook so you will enjoy using it.  It is up to you how you organize your vocabulary. You could do it alphabetically.  I recommend that you do this at the front of the book (allow a couple of pages for A to Z) and then at the back add in pages for word families  (it doesn't matter what order these pages these are in just work in towards the centre).  

This week I would have a Bedroom and Kitchen Vocabulary page.  Jot the words down and start to scrapbook; add pictures of the words you have listed.  Cut pictures out from some of the worksheets I have provided on the TEFL Global Resources Vocabulary Page.  Or to draw simple sketches of your own.

Develop further words from the ones you enter if you can.  For example: cooker could be extended to electric cooker, gas cooker, split level cooker, built-in cooker, range cooker.  You can also add verbs to nouns to make phrases.  For example soup - simmer the soup, boil the soup etc. Always be willing to extend your knowledge.

And when you find a new word remember to make a note of it.

TEFL Global Resources - Elementary Podcasts from the British Council

Introducing TEFL Vocabulary, Grammar and Communicative Skills for Beginners.

If you are a beginner (A2 CEFR level) these British Council Podcasts are excellent for getting you started.  

Just, go to 

Find the audio link (MP3) right click and save it so you can listen to it whenever is convenient for you. The podcast comes with a support pack which is 22 pages long.  Use this link:

Main Contents of Podcast

  • phrases to introduce friends
  • what famous person dead or alive would you like to meet and why?
  • vocabulary quiz - kitchen and bedroom words
  • Central Park, New York
  • is it a good idea for celebrities to do work for charities- the arguments for and against
  • dialogue of Carolina from Venezuela at immigration control
  • telling/retelling a joke

There is a summary of the main language points. Try to get more practise with these language points during the week if you can:
  1. use of 'going to' and 'intend' tense to talk about future plans (informal v formal)
  2. use of the salutations 'goodnight' and 'good evening'
  3. use of the term 'dear' to name somebody (usually from an older person to a younger person)
  4. use of the phrase 'it depends'. Often followed by a preposition. For example - it depends if, it depends on etc
I will post follow up work.

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

An Olympian Slideshow

Fantastic Resource - Check out this link!

Looking at this sent a cold tingle shuddering through me.  I am sure if you want to follow up after the summer holidays with students this will get them talking.  So much could be created from it and not just sport.  An excellent source of all round inspiration!

  • Who were the students favourite sporting heroes and why?
  • What was their favourite sport?
  • Have they been inspired to try a new sport or something else new?
  • Did they have a favourite British Band - new and old that they enjoyed at the opening or closing ceremony.
  • Did they have a favourite dance or costume from either ceremony
  • A project timeline of British Music - is great for creating timelines.
  • They could research British History and the evolution from an agricultural to an  industrial to a digital, globalised economy.  This could be made into a presentation collaboratively in chronological order.
  • Favourite British Fashions - they could develop a montage/collage of different fashions from different era's by different fashion designers etc etc.  They could label their freezes.
  • London's Landmarks and Icons (the black cab, the red telephone box, Buckingham Palacet etc etc)
  • Discuss and create a video journal on what they think the legacy of the Olympic Games is after London?
  • Discuss the next Olympics at Rio de Janerio.  What are they looking forward to? What do they think they will be doing?  Where will they be living? etc etc

Absolutely loads of activities could follow on from this amazing slideshow.

Memoirs of VJ Day - A TEFL Global Resource

TEFL Global Resources - Memoirs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki ........and Victory in Japan...............

Hiroshima Castle as it looks in present times. Today is VJ Day according to  I have compiled a TEFL Global reading comprehension resource which you can find on the TEFL Communicative Resources Page.  

Victory in Japan came at a huge cost to human life. Read and listen to the accounts from survivors of the bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The bombings occurred a month earlier after the Allies had delivered their first ultimatum. 

Listen to the voices of the Japanese people who paid for the war. These are the words that should and need to be heard:

Monday, 13 August 2012

A Biographical TEFL Global Resource

A TEFL Biographical Resource from a Generation Passed 

The young lady on the left was a member of my family.

What relative do you think she was? Who do you think the other people in the photograph are?

Finally, discuss members of your family and the roles they have played in society and your life.