Showing posts with label irregular verbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label irregular verbs. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Irregular Verbs

Irregular Verbs

A list of approximately 60 or so irregular verbs with the base form, the past simple tense and the past participle in table format.  This resource could be used as a reference tool or you could start trying to memorize the verbs as they are commonly used in English.

There is also an exercise to do here.  Again keep your eyes out for news of my new website where I will incorporate a lot of this type of materIal.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Use English with Accuracy - Grammar Resource

TEFL Grammar Resource Page

This page has been reorganised and some web links added from:-

This site has superb grammar resources and is well worth a visit.  I have integrated links to some of the resources.  For example: a glossary of grammatical terms; a list of irregular verbs; a list of phrasal verbs; and grammar quizzes for revision purposes.

Go to TEFL Grammar Resources to see more.